As a mediator I facilitate people coming together to have a conversation when they have been unable to reach agreement. Often mediation is used where there is an ongoing relationship and people are going to need to continue to work together like in a workplace or as co-parents. Mediation can also be used to resolve disputes of a commercial nature, helping people get to a place they can live with and agreements written to end the matter between them so people can move on with their life.
Different ways mediation can help:
Separation of families
The breakdown of relationships can be difficult. Separation can have a lasting impact on children if not handled well. I can help you take control of this process and navigate through this difficult period saving time and money. I help people have conversations about financial separation and also time children spend with each parent.
Workplace Conflict
When there is ongoing differences in a workplace, it is important to resolve these differences quickly. The cost to business is high, including absenteeism, lost productivity and low morale. Mediation can help build the skills of staff to proactively engage in conflict a healthy way when differences arise.
Return to Work
Mediation is recognised as an alternative dispute resolution option that can assist the return to work process by creating new strong positive relationships, which is crucial to obtaining successful return to work outcomes.
Succession Planning
Succession planning is where there is a plan for a “successor” to at some point, take over the business. Mediation can help people have conversations that are otherwise difficult, particularly where there has been a long standing relationship.